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(1 edit)

This was awesome! I think this quote summarizes the Queer Vamp Jam the best. 

It resonated with me, you know? Not being like other people, feeling like I couldn’t connect with them. Sometimes I felt like the monster in those stories. Sometimes, they made 
me feel like the monster…

Also… “one-bite-stand,” what a PERFECT phrase lol

I really liked the flash and then switch to the script format; that really fit the vibe of the story and was so cool.

I’m not sure why, but when I get to the [PHOTO BOOTH] section and scroll to the bottom, I don’t have any options to progress. However, if I save and then refresh the page, then I get the option to shake Orlok’s hand ‘Just a handshake’ and get Ending 11. I was romantic/flirty with him pretty much the whole way through, so maybe an option isn’t displaying?
Here’s a screenshot of the last page I can get to!



Thank you for playing the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

OK so regarding the bug, I found the issue! (Someone else had raised it a few days ago, but I didn't find it until today).
You did nothing wrong, I just messed up setting one super important variable. It should work properly now :D

Woohoo, thanks! I got endings 12 and 13 :D


Yay! All the smooches :D