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A member registered Jan 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for letting me know and providing screenshots!! The (Put back?) thing is the next annoying part of the code I have to fix :’D But I definitely did NOT notice the double rice thing so thank you again haha

I just joined the Amare Games Festival, so I should be getting out a new major update with fixes for all these issues within the next 2 months or so :D

Yess, I’m glad you had fun! I’m sure Fay appreciates you looking out for ‘em too. :P

LOL I’m happy that line made somebody laugh. I’m excited to add more! Thanks for commenting! :D

"I want to whisper your name in the vortex of ecstasy."

this would make a sick band name.

Intimacy threads itself through you and me,
Weaving heart-binding breaths
Into a secret tapestry with smoking edges.
The rumble of your voice
Makes its home in my chest, 
And we spend the inky hours entwined.

Wow; I absolutely love this version of the poem. The writing in this was fun, and I enjoyed the back-and-forth between the characters.

And now I want pasta…

When he holds you and drinks from the wound in your neck you can feel his desire, his need, in a way that gives you a rush without pinging your sex aversion.

Playing as someone who’s non-binary and pan, I find this paragraph so fascinating. It made me really think about the boundaries between sex and intimacy.

Such comfy and well-written scenes, I love it!!

You can do it!! Take things one step at a time and work towards small goals every week. I hope you get to experience the present written here as your future.

The solar system's most emotionally obtuse lesbians. 
A first, damning kiss


I looked up the term “debridement” and my device very graciously decided to supply me with a fullscreen image example… needless to say, this game has already had an emotional impact on me. LOL

she insisted on waking with you like she always did, on limping downstairs to send you off into the frigid dawn alone, finding some quiet place to retire to until you return.

oh this is so cozy.

You limped home to her always, her best attack dog unchained and desiring again the leash and collar, you, broken-toothed and whimpering, confessed your sin unto her and were met with praise - not condemnation.

 Damn this could be a Hozier lyric haha

I'm untouchable, despite it all." Her scars lie to you. Her weight in your arms lies to you.

this was my favorite part! I also enjoyed clicking the interactable text to make different sentences.

Some of these bytes match a pattern, which abstracts to DOOR 46. Those match to CLIENT 30556. You do not see yourself; you only see the data which your impulses can move.

My favorite line. It’s very cool! And the port knocking joke was great.

I got endings 4 and 5!

A patch of straggling algae hanging off their leg. A fist-sized lump of frog, goggling at you.

And courage to kiss the wet little plops of muck.

These sentences tickled my brain delightfully.

In the privacy of this godforsaken pond, you say a word that princesses are never heard saying.

You throw the frog at the turtle

LOL, also the poor brown frog getting yeeted

Lest your last option gets swooped up in some bird's talons or something equally hideous

But that would never happen, of course…

I only noticed one small typo.

nursing a green frog like its was a baby.

I had a lot of fun exploring different combinations of options! Much like a pond, this game has some depth!

Which didn't make me think of anything, because it was a typical cherry blossom, and cherry blossoms famously don't symbolize anything like death or transience or acceptance of fate or 

This part getting erased was funny, and then you broke my heart with:

I think about you far too often sometimes.

I liked exploring all the possible options! Even though I’m not familiar with the characters, I felt the yearning™️

Hell yeah! Your submission created such a captivating vibe; I wanted to portray a similar tension in my romance routes. I'm happy you like the interactivity too! Thanks for stopping by :D

THIS WAS SO CUTE, I loved reading it!

It’s quiet for a minute. Trish has opened her journal again.
BLAINE (nudging Luke’s shoulder): You always know how to make things better, you know?
Trish lifts her head to look at Luke, raising her eyebrows. Luke pointedly turns around to lean his elbows on the railing.
LUKE: Um, I don’t know about that. But… thanks?
Behind their backs, Trish shakes her head and goes back to writing.

This was my favorite part! Matchmaker characters are always so fun.

BLAINE: You’re a good friend, you know that?
Luke looks down at his feet and mumbles incoherently.

LOL actually laughed at Luke’s awkwardness here

Blaine sits on the still-made bed, dressed in PJs. Luke emerges from the bathroom wearing his pajamas, toweling his hair. Blaine smiles at him.
LUKE: Hey…
He lets the word hang, like a question.

I liked the pacing and anticipation of this scene a lot.

TRISH: So, who told who first?
BLAINE: Aw, come on, Trish, you’re embarrassing my boyfriend.


Amazing little script :D I’ll have to try out Ink sometime. Thanks for writing this!

Thank you so much! :D

How'd your guys' projects go? Did you learn anything new? Are you hyped to play other peoples' games? Consider this a place to let the post-jam adrenaline flow!

I'm excited to take a break from coding :'D

omg I love the “Mass in x minutes…” counter; that’s an awesome feature! And the word actually buzzing. I only had one issue: when I select [eat me] I don’t see any new text on the next screen, just a superscript 1. 

holy moly I need a cold shower. And maybe a baptism.

Woohoo, thanks! I got endings 12 and 13 :D

(1 edit)

This was awesome! I think this quote summarizes the Queer Vamp Jam the best. 

It resonated with me, you know? Not being like other people, feeling like I couldn’t connect with them. Sometimes I felt like the monster in those stories. Sometimes, they made 
me feel like the monster…

Also… “one-bite-stand,” what a PERFECT phrase lol

I really liked the flash and then switch to the script format; that really fit the vibe of the story and was so cool.

I’m not sure why, but when I get to the [PHOTO BOOTH] section and scroll to the bottom, I don’t have any options to progress. However, if I save and then refresh the page, then I get the option to shake Orlok’s hand ‘Just a handshake’ and get Ending 11. I was romantic/flirty with him pretty much the whole way through, so maybe an option isn’t displaying?
Here’s a screenshot of the last page I can get to!

Yay, thank you!

Rad. I liked it! Got ending 1 the first time.

(2 edits)

This is the greatest. The cat line made me laugh so hard. And the message to Francesca is very cute. Fantastic atmosphere!

(omg you can talk to people after they turn pink too!)

I thought the small ships were my friends and then I realized they were attacking the big things in the middle LOL. Cool music!

I was promised hats and I received hats. Cool leaderboard too!

I'm mashed potatoes. Great music!


procrastination is hell and perfectionism is the devil