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Brilliant and fascinating satire of Rabbits that deconstructs the uneasy relationship between the audience, actor, and medium through a surrealistic fever dream. The uncanny, dithered screen, the atmospheric music and the disjointed, disaffected voice acting creates a perfect iteration of its Lynchian inspirations. From what I can tell there was some experimentation with randomisation or generative approaches to the 'shows' which made them feel even more offbeat and unusual. The inclusion of multiple endings oriented around the player as judge reinforce the idea of the characters as puppets in a nightmare play. The writing was excellent for a surrealistic imitation of Rabbits and found a good balance imitating its dismal and routine dialogue with the beats of existential dread. I think in terms of feedback, whilst putting aside the fact some players will not quite understand what this is going for, the relationship between passive and active player roles could have been explored a little more to keep the player involved in the show of Dogs and the outside world. But then again, the game seems to relish in asking who the captive is - the actors awaiting their fate, or the player doomed to laugh and applause on command? 

Thanks for being a part of the Scream TV jam! 

- ryan 

My hearth just skipped a beat. <3
Thank you so much for these kind words and feedback, they really made my day and the whole experiment worthwhile.  

D'aw thanks for the kind words Ryan, it seems like you're definitely a part of the small intended target audience for this, and like you picked up everything we were going for :)