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Hey thanks for the feedback, this is all really helpful.

  • For point one, we would like the player to be able to focus on all terminals at once to avoid the constant switching. It's definitely not great having to constantly witch to confirm information and remember commands.
  • Regarding point two, the main problem we had was that due to time constraints we couldn't implement a lot of the emergencies in the way we wanted to. This led us to implementing most of them through the terminal, which was actually meant to be a small portion of the game, an intentional time waster for a couple of remote issues as it were.
  • Point 3: Agreed, there were only meant to be 3 commands that would be used sparingly. Power shunting too would be a point and click interface rather than a terminal.
  • Ideally, the player would have time to familiarise themselves with their surroundings and the systems, which was intended through a small introductory sequence where the player can begin when ready, instead of being immediately thrust into the chaos.

Between now and the next jam we'll be making a version 2 since we also like the idea, but are overall not that happy with the execution. Thanks for taking the time to play, and we hope you'll come back for round 2 (once it's done).