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(2 edits) (+1)

The artstyle is beutifull even tho simple, the audio is also really good, i just thought the game was too easy, but it sped up, my high score is 90. The game was very fun, the only problem i had is that i could stack candies on the floor and the gun would just reload itself, i think it would be better if the candies disappeared from the floor, also i could just keep the door open and it wouldnt get damaged, to fight that i think pointing a gun at the kids should make you loose too.

Amazing game, one of the best i've played so far!


Thank a lot for the useful feedback, I also thought the game was really easy for me, but  I heard that a gamejam game is better too easy than too hard. The gun "problem" will be easy to fix, I thought it would be a nice strategie to place candies on the floor to prepare for future monster. I didn't think about the door problem, thank for pointing it out. I am really happy you liked it