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(13 edits) (+1)


Internal Targetting. Doesn't fire, and only happened when coming down this time. Do you need a save before I stepped down?

And here...


More air walking, especially important because I can bypass the barrier this way... Healing enemies are so annoying! HA! Well, gotta follow the guided path.

Lucked into the Ring by accident! It was hard to see in the dark! Cool use of Leylines!


Time Phaser:


Killed General, artillery stopped, until I stepped here:

Bad Walk:

Hollow General's Lifetaker seems to have a damage range, not dealing a constant amount? I don't think it's from the Shield Generator?

And the Guard Alicorn fight message events don't disable themselves after the fight's over.

(1 edit) (+1)

All right, should have a patch out soon. Thank you for finding all of this.

EDIT: The Breachers on that central platform will keep firing until they're taken down. They shouldn't be too much trouble, though.

(2 edits) (+1)

You're welcome! None of these are game-breaking, so that's good!

Those Breachers? I just kept dodging and engaged the one non-General enemy in a Artillery Free spot. They shut off once the General fell, then came back online when I returned to that spot I marked.

So the Breachers shouldn't have stopped firing even once the General fell?

Since I haven't found whatever the levers are connected to, I guess the thing I unlocked is past the green barrier?

The Blades make me think of the Slime trio? They even have the same colors, IIRC? No, nevermind, they're just both colored trios?

It might be possible to beat them without spending consumables, but it's tough! heh. Well, off to go exercise, then maybe see if I can find someone to heal and maybe get something for healing 35 people.