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I like the logic involved!  But--

There really seem to be at least two mistakes.  These are hard to describe, so bear with me:

  • In room 6, if I counted right, there's a -<| to turn into a |>- symbol.  Obviously both "M@Z" and "@ZM" will turn the symbol to point the right way and then flip it back to its original orientation, so those are wrong.  The problem is that the "@Z" door, which rotates the symbol 180 degrees, will leave the black/white triangles in the wrong places.
  • In room 10, there's an hourglass (white triangle on the bottom) that turns into a negative-space version (white triangle back on the bottom).  The right door, "M@A", will rotate it, so that's clearly out.  The other two also start with "M", which since this has vertical symmetry won't affect the shape; followed by the color inverter, which removes the outline and leaves the white triangle on top.  The left door then has "E" to flip it vertically, which puts the white triangle back on the bottom where we want it...but it's the middle door, not the left door, that works now that I've tried the middle door, it turns that all three just kill you.

It's frustrating mostly because it feels like there really is a good puzzle at the heart of this!

Hi, thanks for playing!

My bad on both of those things. Weird how my playtester didn't notice that problem on room 10. I think I need to look for another one hahaha

I already fixed both problems and reviwed all rooms: things seem to be fine now.

Thanks again for playing and for leaving a comment with those issues. Really appreciate it!