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Seriously... big ol' tears.


Congrats with hitting the goal. But it's not only supporters who are amazing. You are. You've been grinding all this time. It was you who built this community and nobody else. Take pride in yourself


I appreciate the thought, I really do, but it's 100% the players who are amazing! All I did was make a thing. The players are the ones who rallied around and spent their hard-earned money on keeping it alive! And I love each and every person for it :)





I'll see your big ol' tears and raise you a big ol' hug. We'll get through this shit. Us perverts gotta stick together, after all.


Hugging me while calling yourself a pervert might be a little concerning in normal circumstances... but I'll take it! ;) Thank you, fellow deviant!

Ha, fair point about the timing.

(1 edit) (+1)

*fills a collection vial with Arc's tears*



We'll create an industry that will rival Belle Delphine's bath water!