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(1 edit)

Hello everyone! My name is MagicDoogies! I'm a 2D character artist and Illustrator that has a focus on game development as a career.
While this isn't exactly my first time participating in a Game Jam- it will be my first time participating in this one.

My favorite franchise of all time is Pokemon. No questions asked. However when I'm not playing that game I tend to really enjoy platformers, RPG's and JRPG's.
Games that currently hold the most inspiration for me would have to be Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The atmosphere, soundtrack, design, atmosphere, and tone hit all the right notes for me.
I don't have any experience in game development when it comes to coding, programming or using game engines. But I do have some experience in creating character sheets and guides that will help inform 3D modelers and animators down the pipeline.

One thing that always fire me up though is being able to create all sorts of monsters and creatures. I loved doing that even in my early childhood. So anything that allows me to go wild with that is a + in my book.