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Yes Amnesia's atmosphere and sound design are top notch *-* And yes some custom stories were really impressive, too bad the newer games of the serie don't have a modding community as big as the first one.

You must be right, don't have the courage to put all of them in my cart just to check the total price tho :d

Would love to see that actually, been aged since I played a RM2k3 game (should go back to it myself^^)! Yeah they look really clean, fell in love with them instantly! Speaking of tilesets, I saw your game Aqua's Pizza Party Disaster, haven't played it yet but the graphics alone looks stunning, cute and colorful! Congrats on that!

Yeah it was a fun time that jam, and Ash is such a nice and supportive Youtuber who always finds positive things to say! There were so many different types of games! If i'm not mistaken you participe in a lot of game jams, right? Where do you find all those charming ideas? Your of game catalog is impressive ๐Ÿคฉ

Oh, always wanted to try one of the Mount & Blade games, it's kind of sandbox game where you have an army and you can be and do whatever you want right? Never heard of Luck Be A Landlord but looks pretty cute! I recently finished Hollow Knight and loved every second of  it and i'm currently playing Dragon's Dogma. Also playing from time to time Zelda: TotK under a warm and comfy blanket, it's my cozy game!


I know right? Such a shame they didn't support the custom stuff as much after that. It would've given the newer games a much longer lifespan, too.

That's okay! I wasn't up to the task either. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Awesome! In that case, I'll consider working on one of them again in the near future. Thank you very much! I'm really happy with how the graphics turned out for APPD. I don't think I would've been able to do it if I did all of it from scratch (as I've tried in the past), though. I used a lot of the RTP graphics as a reference for most objects and characters. That made the whole process a lot more manageable for me.

I always have fun with Ash's jams. And I'm very glad that my first jam was one of his, because I was so nervous to publish my first game, and it was great to have a supportive atmosphere to help me through that. For sure! And not just a variety of games, but engines too, which is a neat thing about the Mega Minutiae jams! I do a lot of game jams, yes! They're too much fun, I can't help myself. As for the ideas, sometimes I get inspiration from the jam themes and modifiers (which is one of the reasons why I do them), other times the ideas just come to me (which may sound kinda clichรฉ, but it's true)! I love being creative and making stuff! ๐Ÿ˜

That's exactly what M&B is about, yep! Normally I don't tend to like roguelikes, but LBAL is an exception for me... One reason is probably because it's cute! I've heard very good things about Hollow Knight, but I've not played it yet. It's art style is very pretty. I have played Dragon's Dogma before, but I kept getting frustrated when playing it. ๐Ÿ˜ค I was probably just being a noob, tho. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Oh! A blanket and Zelda combo go well together, no doubt! I've never owned a Nintendo console, but I've always envied those who did.

Oh man... I don't usually write this much! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ This post has become a chatroom at this point!


Great new! Yeah I knew I recognized some sprites from the RTP but that actually was a smart idea to use them as a base to build upon. Just finished a playthrough of it while writing this post and... that was awesome and wholesome!! It gave me a strong Earthbound/Mother vibe and I loved the little scene after the credit! Good job, I had a lot of fun playing it ๐Ÿฅณ

I completely relate to what you just said, this Mega Minutiae Jam was personnaly my first game jam and I was also afraid of posting a game and even more so because it was going to be recorded and posted on Youtube but in the end I'm glad I participated and I'll try to upload more games in the future thanks to that experience! Yes the diversity of this jam was definitely so cool and putting these engines in the spotlights is such a nice concept! I see, and yeah having themes and limitations can boost creativity. I can definitely see that you love creating stuff and it shows when playing your games!

Nice, I love these type of games but I'm always afraid to play them because how "open" they are, which is quite ironic ๐Ÿคช Yeah LBAL looks really cute, since a demo is available I should try it! Can't say anything negative about Hollow Knight, it was on my whislist for a very long time and I'm glad I finaly bought it! Haha, I can understand the frustration with Dragon's Dogma!

Me too lol, I'm a pretty shy guy even when behind a screen so that's surprising...  and yes this is definitely a chatroom now ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Thanks a lot! I'm glad you enjoyed it. That RPG Maker game is the one I've put the most effort into so far, and I'd like to make more games like it based on my own ideas (since it was mostly a fangame). I'm really proud of the map design in particular, as that's something I usually struggle with.

It's great to hear that the jam experience encouraged you as well! And your win was well-deserved. ๐Ÿ’ฏ Exactly! That's why I like using older RPG Maker engines is because their limitations often create more interesting results. It turns into a puzzle-solving exercise with a lot of improvisation (which I find really satisfying). Plus I like the idea of making something that technically anyone could make in that engine without any scripts or custom stuff like that. And I'm glad you think that my creative passion comes through in my work. ๐Ÿ˜Š

That's understandable! It can be overwhelming to dive into sandbox games like that (and time-consuming too). Sure, give the demo a shot! At first I thought LBAL would be too complicated, but I got used to it after a few playthroughs, and then it got really fun! I'll put Hollow Knight on my wishlist. Maybe I'll like it too. And maybe some day I'll try Dragon's Dogma again (but probably not cuz it makes me mad ๐Ÿ˜†).

It probably helps to meet in a game jam, since we already know we share a similar interest, ya know? And I guess this means the development of TSFoFH is on hold until our conversation ends! ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


Thank YOU for making it ๐Ÿ˜‰! And yeah it can serve you as a great prototype for future projects!

Yes it definitly was a positive experience and thank you very much! A big YES to everything you just said, completely agree with you and that why I love all these simplified engines, once you understand how they works it just feels like you're playing a game and it's so satisfying when everything starts to come together!

I downloaded the demo of LBAL and will try it today for sure, I love cute game so should be right up my alley!

Yeah for sure! Oops sorry, true that you're working on two games right now, maybe I should let you work on them ๐Ÿคญ


You're funny. And it's nice to know you played it, cuz it took a lot of effort to complete!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with next, too! I'm sure you'll take part in future jams hosted by Ash, right? Exactly! When making the game becomes a game itself, that's the best feeling! And the game usually turns out much better as a result.

Lemme know whatcha think of it! And don't worry, I won't be sad if ya don't like it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

It's no use! Even if we stop commenting on this post, we'll probably just start up again on the next one anyway. ๐Ÿ˜† I'll work around it instead!


It was a pleasure, really!

Well I think you'll have to wait quite a bit to play my next game, I'm so freaking slow at making them (and at everything in life๐Ÿ˜). I'll definitelytry to take part in the next one yeah, hope you too ๐Ÿค—. Couldn't say it better myself!

I Promise I'll write you my very "detailled" review later today...or tonight I suppose, depending on time zones! It's always been weird to me to think that some people are kind of a little further ahead in time than others๐Ÿคฏ

Lol you must be right, hope you can manage all that!!


Aw. ๐Ÿ˜ I noticed you have another game on your page and I'm curious to try it, since it seems to be in French? I wonder how much I'd be able to understand...

That's alright! I'm sure your next game will be awesome, regardless of when you release it. You clearly put a lot of time into NBTA and that definitely paid off for ya! And I don't intend to miss any of his future jams, so you can count on that! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Yes, give me ALL the details! Time zones are very weird. Especially when you have a bad sleep schedule like me, then they're even weirder! ๐Ÿ˜…

I'll do my best! Multitasking seems to be a trend with me these days...

By the way, I'm interested to know what inspired you to make games in the first place, if you're willing to share?

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh yes it's a really short Bitsy game that I created after my grandpa passed away, it's called "A Dreamer's Journey". Yes, unfortunately it's in French and I don't know how hard it would be to understand it, maybe with the help of google translate? Or maybe I could just write for you the translation in another reply. By the way, I don't know if you're familiar with Bitsy but if you ever want to create a little 1-bit narrative game, it's pretty simple to use and the games it makes can be played in browsers.

I really hope so and thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say ๐Ÿค—. Awesome, can't wait then!

Review time!! What an awesome game, finished the demo twice in a row lol and added it to my steam wishlist, hoping a sale might happen sooner or later. Really addictive and pretty cute (and there are tons of achievements, which is always a plus๐Ÿ˜Ž)!! However, there is a game mechanic that I don't really understand and maybe you could enlighten me... Some symbols, like chests, can break but how? Do you need an item or is it just random every turn? Anyways thank you for the recommandation, I can definitely see myself play this from time to time!

Ow, multitasking can be hard, don't overdo it๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Well... I was first introduced to video games pretty young by my father who played a lot of Pokรฉmon on the Gameboy, I rememeber having a blast watching him play๐Ÿ˜. When I was a teen, as I was (and still am) very shy, I played a lot of games and when I coudn't for a reason or another, I created them in my head, alone in my little bubble. Then I randomly discovered (don't remember exactly tbh) Oniromancie, a French community dedicated to RPG Maker and instantly fell in love with these engines, it was like a dream come true, before that I didn't think for a second that I could create games so easily! Putting into small games what I had in my head did me a lot of good and it's still do to this day๐Ÿ˜‰. I think I've finished summarizing it, how about you?

EDIT: Damn, I just wrote a book :D


I played it just now. I didn't understand all of it, but I tried my best and got some of what was going on. I'll try going through it again with Google Translate next time, since I wouldn't wanna trouble you with translating all that (unless you really want to). Either way, I think it's really nice that you would make something like this as a tribute to your grandpa. I hope it helped you through his passing. Was the character sprite based on yourself?

But yes, I know Bitsy! It's a cute little engine, and I used it to make my game i'm a sad ghost boohoo boohoo :(, which I'd like to remake in RPG in a Box at some point, so I can add more content to it and make it 3D.

No problem! ๐Ÿค— And I can't wait either, cuz game jams are so much fun!

Yes, review time!!! Yay, that's awesome! I'm so glad you liked it. ๐Ÿ˜ Correct, the chests require the key symbol or the lockpick item to open. You're welcome! I'd be happy to discuss it more whenever ya end up buying it, too.

You're right, I shouldn't do too much at once. The current workload should be manageable for now though! ๐Ÿคž

I always wanted a Gameboy when I was a kid and I would've loved to play Pokรฉmon! It's so funny to me that you're a shy person, and yet we've been writing longer and longer comments to each other! ๐Ÿ˜† I played a lot of games as a teen too, which happens to be when I discovered RPG Maker as well! Oniromancie seems to still be around, which is cool! Do you still visit them, or not so much anymore? You describe the sensation of discovering game development very well, and I totally agree. I hope it continues to be good to you for a long time! ๐Ÿ˜‰

As for me, I've been playing video games since I was 3 or 4 I think. Mostly educational games in those days, but my love for them has only grown since! Then in my teen years seeing let's plays of various RPG Maker games got me very intrigued with game development, so I made many attempts at various projects. None of which were ever completed sadly, but some of which I'd like to try making now that I have more experience! Actually now that I think about it, it's probably been about 10 years since I started experimenting with RPG Maker! ๐Ÿคฏ

You're right, we're both writing novels at this point! ๐Ÿ˜… I'm enjoying reading them, though!