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Got it. You are currently using Unity’s Tilemap component to make a isometric scene. Have you tried the other pack on your project?

Yah I used the other one but I was having the same problem.

Do you think you can share this project with me. If yes, can you upload to dropbox or something similar for me to download?

Didn’t hear from you and assumed that everything worked.

If ‘no’ I found a solution that one of the Unity users posted

I noticed many people commented that those tiles do not match well in the unity tilemap. The simple truth is that those cubes are drawn under a 120-degree isometric view, while the unit isometric grid by default is under a 135-degree view(commonly used in many pixel games and tutorials). So if you don’t want to reshape the pictures but just want them to match well, simply create tilemap-> isometric z as y, and set the grid cell size to X:1, Y:0.57735(instead of 0.5), Z:1, this will set your unity isometric tilemap under 120-degree as well. Then your tiles should match perfectly in the game! Noted that I found in order to make tiles sort correctly in this case, you will need to go to Edit-> Project Setting->Graphs -> Camera settings set transparency set mode to “Custom Axis” and Transparency sort axis as X:0 Y:1 Z:-0.5 (instead of -0.25/26)