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Hey Yeena, thank you for playing our game, it's always nice to see another room escape fan suffering through puzzles(and math:D). But mostly, thank you so much for summoning people here to press us to release the game. Well we have been developing the game,  all the screenshots of different rooms you  mentioned are indeed from the actual game. We are just really really really slow because we have full time jobs... but good news is, it's currently at the final stage, and we are positive that we can release the game this year!

Oh I'm so glad to hear that this is still being worked on, understandably in a slower fashion but that's okay. And it's no problem really, big studio games are great and all but there's always something so fresh and unique about indie games, so I just love trying them out and giving all you indie devs some well deserved attention. Can't wait to play the full thing! And uhhh don't mention the math thing, that was such an embarrassing moment XD