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Let me start by saying I love the presentation! Art style gives me 90s DOS vibes and oozes charm. I loved the aesthetic once the lights went out and thought the flashlight mechanic was well done.

The side scroller aspect for a quest/puzzle game is not one I would think of first, but I think it worked well here.

Unfortunately I couldn't get particularly far.  I kept getting caught by one of the shadow monsters as soon as entering the hallway scene. I tried several times but couldnt manage to enter the scene without immediately dying.

On top of which, the controls were not particularly intuitive. I couldnt figure out interact or how to get upstairs on my own, having to reference the game page. I'd suggest maybe using 'W' an input option to go up the stairs if you decide to revisit the game. 

Overall a positive experience, let down by a difficult to impossible section I couldnt get past and unintuitive controls.

For a first project, I think you guys should feel proud. I'd be eager to play the game again if theres some updates 

First of all, thank you so much for the very kind words! 

I think I know exactly what shadow monster you're referring to (that thing wasn't even meant to be there LOL)

We plan on releasing an update immediately after the voting hours are finished and it should fix these issues, including making the control scheme more familiar!

Thank you so much for taking some of your time to play our game though, it really means a lot to us. I hope you give it a 2nd visit after the update rolls out!