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Can you tell me where specifically this happens and what path you took to get there? There's lots of ways to get to that sequence and it can branch a few ways.

(1 edit)

basically anything you do to end up with marco after the frat party and have sex of some sort before bed, you will see his still first of connor and him facing each other on the right side of the screen after the "to be continued", but then  if you hit a button, it shows connor facing another guy depending on what you did earlier, with owen or riley, for instace. im not sure if it is supposed to show two guys if you chose a path that can potentially end that way on day two.

Oh, I got you. Yes, that's intentional. If you let the ending slide with Marco sit on the screen for a few seconds, it'll slowly fade from Marco to the other character to represent Connor reaching certain milestones with them. I can see how it would look unintended if the fade doesn't play before you click/press a key to move forward!

ah okay, that makes sense! I was so confused and thought it was a glitch! Lol!