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Visually, this is pretty good. I liked the overall aesthetics and the evil red crustacean samurais are cute. Gameplay wise, its kinda fun matching the right stance to beat the enemies and using space to heal is an interesting moveset that takes control of your gameplay slash mechanic and turn it into a sort of strategy type of move. 

However, the skill curve just isn't really in the cards for me. Playing this has made me realize that enemies comes in droves, sometimes I couldn't hit them right and the space to heal doesn't work somehow? The lantern enemies are egregious for spamming that beam thing that keeps sapping health so I wasn't able to parry that. They have a big health pool so its also kinda difficult for me to figure out how to beat them down. I'm not good at hack and slash games/beat em ups and I wasn't a huge fan of it to begin with so this just isn't really down for me to really enjoy as much.

Also lack of BGM and SFX is noticeable in areas, and audio mixing can be a bit loud and unstable with the slash.

That being said, the potential is there. As one of the commenters mentioned, improving the bells and whistles would net you a lot in terms of potential viability.

Thanks for the comments. Definitely some valid issues. Going to do some ongoing tweaks to get it a little more balanced and fullsome