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It's a lot of fun and I like how the twist is kind of foreshadowed. I enjoyed having to balance coin production without the production reaching too high. I do wish there was a way to bait that slime to stay in one place but at the same time it did lead to some funny moments where he just barely walks away last moment.

Thank you so much for adding auto spend and auto collect. This game is cute and nice.

Thank you so much! I appreciate that you didn't spot the way to win ;)


Nah I managed to win by killing the slime by dropping gold buildings on them but I did get 300 coins first. The game is fun

Yeah, my whole idea is player should play straightly toward the bad ending. And then, they found that it's not that simple. So, they need to play one more to find the real ending!


I knew something was suspicious and one of my friends did try and kill the blob first. That's a good thing because it means you did foreshadowing well enough that some players might be clever about it.

Oh yes. But I couldn't see anyone replied and say that they figure it out for the first time tho xD