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(1 edit)

Thank you for telling me! Looks like hitting Continue when not having a save is causing an issue. I'll fix it in a few hours! If you hit "NEW GAME" it'll work normally.

As for the buttons not working on the title menu - make sure your mouse isn't on top of CONTINUE on the title screen. That'll prevent you from using arrow keys/controller joystick. Alternatively, you can navigate the title menu with the mouse.
When you hit NEW GAME it'll ask if you want to use Mouse Controls (or you can change it in OPTIONS).

If that's not it, I am unsure what's going on.

(Edit: CONTINUE GAME when having no save now works)

(2 edits)

Continue works :) 

Actually the problem with "New game" is the popup after - "No" or "Yes" both don't do anything.

Also this is one of my personal gripes with modern retro games, curious to hear your thoughts - I notice your main character has 8 way directional movement, and yet the d-pad does nothing, you can only control them with the thumbstick. Do you plan on supporting the d-pad?

Definitely a bug. D pad should work - I'll check on it. You can also try to set the controls within the OPTIONS menu in my awful control remapper.

Thank you!

You're welcome, I love the retro style, the transitions, the artwork in general... have you used Rewired for your input? Apparently it makes remapping easier. (It's a Unity plugin, I assume the game is made in Unity?)

This is in Construct. If this was in Unity I wouldn't have nearly as many issues, haha. Currently Construct has an issue where in menus it doesn't realize a joystick's deadzone. Also there's a ton of image sampling issues. Bit by bit we're making it work!