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That was a rather nice game. Granted, didn’t have anyone to play with, but it’s a rather novel 1v1 local multiplayer sort of game.

I did get a mildly amusing bug at one point which caused player 2’s creature to somehow go beyond the size at which it was meant to explode and just continue growing without exploding. no idea how that happened though (and then player 1 exploded at the regular size).

Anywho, I’d suggest trying to produce a WebGL build of your game as well, so it’ll be playable in browser (which I find tends to help when it comes to ‘convincing people to play your game’)


Thank you for your feedback, We are aware of some bugs hahaha. but that's how game jam games go. Some of us on the team are going to continue to polish this a little more but I think we are taking just a short break. Definitely look into a WebGL build, thanks again!