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(2 edits) (+1)

NOOOOO LOR ;W; ım still playing the game but seeing this made me so sad... poor guy :') ı will do my best to make my favorite character happy in other game!! Lor wait for me ^^ ! ı dont know ı ı should share this comment after so much time and well so many comments haha ı think ım obsessed with these dice games :') but they are all so good thank you for your all efforts! 

little edit: ahhaha to be honest ı wasntkinda expecting all the boys from the game would be his loyal readers! XD looking the expressions of samuel and kathnir.. I guess these expressions mean that Lor's writing skills are pretty good? 


Hi JustaOneGirl,

I actually really love it when a player makes a comment on one of my older works. It's nice to know they are not just lost to the void of the internet forever.  This project is in a bit of an odd place because it ended up getting finished before the main game even though its a spinoff.

Btw, I personally imagine Lor is a decent writer, but his 'readers' are probably mostly just interested in the subject matter (The MC/Transient One)!