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The game will be open-source?

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yes it will

It is a metroidvania called homeward and it will be open source. Its for the mvm 22 super jam. Right now I just have some rough movement, abilities, and map design, however,  I have no art.

I sort of have to crunch with only 15 days left so it would be great if I could get a yes or no today

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Yeah I agree. If you have jami here is my id _______________________________________

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i don't use jami, sorry. can you go through

Yeah... I think it is a workarounf but possible. Itch doesn't propose dms... You confirmed the game will be open-source so maybe the issues/discussions on the github? (or any another similarr platform)

Can we talk about what kind of art you'll be making?

Yeah. Lets do it here

It says its restricted.

Yeah, sorry thought it works in another way

It says game has been linked.

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I just need some tilemaps for my game because I am bad at those.