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A member registered Sep 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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please bring it back, this is an amazing game

is it just me or is this game lookin kinda...

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how to beat level 2 in under 20 secs

my best time on level 0 : 17:446

im trying to use the shotgun but i cant cross the water

how to beat tutorial i cant cross water

cool thanks

doge is too hard

How u beat doge

(1 edit)

I was wondering the same thing

yeah it worked

no, it says game not available for download.

It says game has been linked.

It says its restricted.

(1 edit)

I just need some tilemaps for my game because I am bad at those.

Can we talk about what kind of art you'll be making?

(1 edit)

i don't use jami, sorry. can you go through


I sort of have to crunch with only 15 days left so it would be great if I could get a yes or no today

It is a metroidvania called homeward and it will be open source. Its for the mvm 22 super jam. Right now I just have some rough movement, abilities, and map design, however,  I have no art.

(1 edit)

yes it will

Yeah cuz its really made for retro nes style games that use dpad and a and b

thats what this was made in

bruh those are the only keys u can use in pico8


Just try it dud

(1 edit)

I am looking for a pixel artist to work with me on my metroidvania Homeward. I cannot pay you but will credit your work in my game. Please reach out to me through my account

Hi, I am making a metroidvania for a game jam and I have been looking for a pixel artist. Would you be willing to collab? P.S I do not use discord so you can contact me through my account

Weird Day

my first animation.....

Hi, I am looking for a talented 3d modeler to help me with work on my fps game! I Cannot pay you but will credit you in my game. Please respond at my itch.

hey man, great game, and I was wondering if you have any advice for a starting game dev trying to create a 3d fps in godot?