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this games kind of fun. i really like its rng elements. this game reminds me of the berzerk arcade game. the two problems with the game is the shotgun and the level. the shotgun isnt that well balanced. its not entirely useless, but the spread isn't that big and its takes a long firing speed. Every time i accidentally pick one up, I'm always missing the sub machine gun and pistol. shotguns are meant to be good at mid to close range but this game doesn't really have that, and also getting into close range is too risky. The only time shotgun is useful, is when you wanna get rid of an enemy that's close to you at a corner. 

on the bright side, the sub machine gun gives me a dopamine rush.  i love mowing down enemies in a straight line and then getting huge gun powerups. Maybe if it was a little more rare to get, it would be a little balanced but anyways great game!


Thanks so much for the kind words and constructive criticism! I'm glad you liked the machine gun ammo, that was my favourite as well 😄 I definitely feel like the game suffered from some lack of play-testing and balancing, and that's likely where the issues you mention are coming from. This was actually my first project I've made in Unity (started learning once the jam started 😂) so I'm happy that there's at least a little fun to be had in it anyways! 

Cheers again for the comment

wow really! that's actually really impressive.