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(1 edit) (+1)

Honestly 5/5 on the theme. That is such a cool mechanic, and its so fun to come up with wild strategies for the game when mutating your animals. the one problem with the gameplay is that... while its fun to come up with minions soon enough I just start putting in random mixes of animal because it takes too long to strategize what options are the best for your army. this happens around the time where you unlock more animals. maybe reduce the animal count with each wave. but anyways. 

Its really cool that a family made this game.


Thanks for playing! We only really managed to get the basics done -- didn't even really have time to balance the game! Stuff that we had planned but couldn't quite finish in time: the ability to organize target priorities (this all exists, but no UI for it), different buildings, different enemies, special abilities for your mutants (like firebreathing!), and more level designs. You are correct in that right now there are no meaningful choices to make ... we were just glad to get a working game finished in time! :D