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This game is part idle clicker, part text-based RPG with a relaxing yet subtly ominous soundtrack and charming visual aesthetic. You have to read detailed text reports about the virus progression and plan your adaptations accordingly. It's an interesting idea how the virus is like an RPG character and you have to choose the right skill build to get a high score. The globe graphic is cool, and it's fun to click the virus icon whenever it pops up. But there is a lack of feedback from choosing the upgrades, as there isn't much interactivity beyond reading the reports coming in. I wish I could rotate the globe myself and zoom into the different regions to perhaps influence my choices further. But I know this is a short jam so the scope is limited. Congrats on your first jam entry!

Comments like these make me very happy. Regarding the feedback issue, I already have a build ready where I simply add some sounds. In the next few days/months, I would like to implement exactly what you said, also adding some other mechanics