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This has awesome vibes and a lot of potential.

I loved the titles, the 8bit-esque graphics and spooky sound effects. I like the sound you make when you walk, the animations, it all works.

There are definitely some bugs which get in the way a bit. One I encountered: when the door slams in the room with the paintings, you can migrate through it and get stuck on the other side, unable to re-enter or trigger the darkness phase. I had to kill the game client and restart to get past that one.

I was really confused by what killed me when going back through the house, although I now see looking at Nijelous' comment that it was the cloud thing! Maybe some kind of indicator as to what's damaging you? Or perhaps there was and I didn't see it.

Anyway, great submission and congratulations to you both on building an engaging game.

Hello there!!

About the enemies, they're dark blobs with a pair of red eyes that float on screen towards the player. You should've been able to see the red eyes even through the darkness, so if the eyes were not visible to you, it could be an issue I'll have to look into. Nevertheless, they currently kill the player in one hit, so a health system could help with giving feedback about the player being attacked whilst not killing them in one hit.

And thank you for the kind words! The game currently is rough around the edges with bugs like these that you mentioned (thank you for telling me about it btw), but it's somewhat reassuring to know that despite these, it does seem to have potential.

Thank you very much for taking some of your time to play our little game and give us some feedback, we really do appreciate it!