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So the way this game follows the jam's theme might not be obvious, which is why I'd like to explain it here. I know it doesn't make up for the fact that the game "lies" to you in a pretty abstract way, but better that than you potentially thinking I didn't care about the theme.

The game doesn't really "lie" to you as much as it misleads you. Like many RTS games, you are encouraged to strip mine the map, conquer everything as cold and efficiently as possible. However, in this game the player is punished for over exploiting the resources by something called the "Mist". I won't go into detail about what happens, but that is the way you can see the game manipulates the common RTS standards and instead urges the player to be patient and make sure to keep the balance of things while developing their settlement.


I wondered why are there towers and so many minerals, if you can easily beat the monsters with 20 soldiers? Touche for the twist!