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1 - this is really strange - there should be particles when you hit someone
(do you see particles at all? e.g. hitting walls and such? might be a rendering bug if not ๐Ÿค”)

2 - some of them do (you get batteries out of the bloops - err. 3 legged spiders, some enemies leave ammo etc)

3 - there is no ingame map sorry (it's not as easy to implement with full 3D maps ๐Ÿ˜”)

thing is the editor is a fully dev tool - it's provided as-is without support
because it's not very user friendly I'm afraid ๐Ÿ˜”

still I'm glad you liked the game ๐Ÿ‘


Thanks for your answer :D 

I read that the editor it's dev-tool ! but if there is a menu with editor mapping , 

the players will continue a make maps and will continue a playing the game. 

see doom 2. it's 2024 , 30th anniversary ! for modding !

It's a shame, because the game is a great game with good ideas.

bye - good game !