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The game is very visually striking and is really fun to play! Everything about the visual gets a 5 stars from me! The game feels a bit too easy I think, there are way too many gaps between the bullets and being able to jump definitely makes it easy even with the energy system, which I really liked! It's a really fun game regardless, though the popping sound when an enemy fires hampered my enjoyment a bit because ow my ears :( There was a slight constant rotation on the player, not sure if that was intentional though.


I will take care of that sound then, didn't really had time to polish, so some bugs may have passed. About the rotation, i think it might be a  issue with the game player.

could you pass me some info so i can try to fix it ?
*what browser are you using  ?
*does it happens every time ?
*if it don't happen every single time, did you notice a way to reproduce the bug ?

  • I used firefox!
  • It happens everytime yeah.

Also I tried running it on Chrome and the constant rotation isn't there so it's most likely a Firefox issue.


Good to know. i will try to troubleshoot and discover what is going on.
My local version already got a lot of little changes here and there.