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(3 edits)

Hi, I'm absolutely loving this asset pack and the rest of ERW! I'm having a few difficulties with the props in this pack, however:

1. I want to have the porch portion of the cabin behave like in the mockup for the show/hide interior animation; that is, I want it to remain visible even when the interior is visible. However, the porch seems to only be available as part of the cabin-bot-section png, which includes the cabin's front wall, so keeping that visible after playing the show interior animation also keeps the front wall visible, which looks wrong. Is there any way to get the porch portion as a png by itself?

2. The well animations for lowering and raising a bucket contain the well's crank and bar, but the static props for the well already have the crank and bar visible, so there's overlap if I try to layer the animation on the static prop. There's a version of the well without the crank and bar, but this also doesn't have the vertical supports for the roof. Is it possible to get a version of the well with just the vertical supports but no crank, bar, and roof?

3. Finally, there seems to be a missing animation for an empty bucket going down into the well. There's an animation labelled as such, but the bucket in that animation is full of water, so it's identical to the water bucket going down animation.

Sorry for the long comment! It's entirely possible I might just be misunderstanding how to use these props, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks, mate.
1- You may want to take a look at ../animated props/cabin/. You'll find the wall separated from the porch.
2 and 3-I just fixed it. You can download the file again.

Thanks a ton for the fixes! Just re-downloaded and they’re perfect - really appreciate it. Regarding the first item though, I know about the wall separated from the porch in ../animated props/cabin - what I’m looking for is the porch without the wall. I can only find the porch as part of Cabin-bot section.png and cabin.png in the ../static props/cabin folder.


They are together because I don't see why It's necessary to make them separated. The z-ordering would work the same. Once you pass the wall you don't touch the porch anymore. I'll add it too in a few hours.

It's definitely possible that z-ordering would fix my issue - I'm fairly new to gamedev and am not very familiar with working with sprite layers. I'd still really appreciate the separate porch sprite regardless. Thank you again for your responses!

(1 edit) (+1)

It's in the files. If you want my advice, you should get used to both because you'll always need to use both. Tiles for the heavy lifting (where you'd need to repeat graphics countless times), and sprites (when you don't need to repeat too often and need more flexibility). GL!


Much appreciated! I’ll also take your advice and do some research on z-ordering and tiles vs. sprites. Thanks for everything!