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A member registered Nov 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello. They are provided as you see in the image. They have no frame-by-frame animations, it's just an item/icon that can also be used in-game if you animate them in your game engine(e.g. animation player in Godot)

There are many ways to do that. An overlay color is the simplest and fastest way to do it but it's not super good looking like the graveyard keeper method. You can also only use shaders instead of a color overlay and get some more control over the effect. Also, you don't need to follow every step of this article, you could just use ambient light/spotlight/normals to get a pretty decent night effect. This software creates the normal texture for you

Hello. It doesn't but it's easy to achieve using game engine tools

(1 edit)

Thanks! You can press F to drop items. You have to reach the 20th day to release the curse and win. The curse makes your life harder, increasing the amount of food you have to eat, and the monster(crow) difficulty. If you get too much curse(200), you die for good. To sleep you have to wait at least half a day. Press E to sleep. The monster is part of the curse, It's there to kill you and prevent you to reach the day 20th. If the monster kills you, you lose a day. Crops can also die if you don't water them before the day is over.

Fala ai! Não fiz ainda nada urbano/moderno mas tenho vontade de fazer um dia xD

Hello mate! Thank you for your support! 
It does, any game engine have support to spritesheets/pngs so you're good to go ^^

Thank you! ^^

Thanks! The ship is almost ready. I will do the boat soon after

(1 edit)

Thanks! Yeah they work fine with any game engine as it's just regular spritesheets/sprites ^^

Thanks! Not really but I can make a simple one. I'll add it to my TODO list

I'll try it for the next updates ^^

Thank you! you mean a rough sea ?

Muito obrigado cara! ^^

Hello mate! Thank you for your support! ^^

(1 edit)

Hello! Yep it's included. All the characters available is in the mockups.
Edit: I renamed them as I forgot to do it ^^

Thank you buddy! Good Luck with your projects!

Thank you!

Hello mate! They are different assets. Grassland 2.0 is a complete rework with a lot new content so they are sold separately

You don't. Updates are free for life ^^

Obrigado! Pode usar em jogo comercial sim. Não é obrigatório me colocar nos créditos ^^ Boa sorte!

Thank you mate! Your assets are super good btw 

Thank you for your support mate ^^

Hey mate! Thank you for your kind words! ^^

Tiles are 32x32. Characters have wide range of sizes in this series, 32x40 would be a normal/medium size 

(3 edits)

The files are working fine. Please, if you don't know Tiled, you can access my Discord to get help but to learn more about the software in general, I recommend their official Discord and their Documentation
Here is a quick tip about automapping: 

  • rules.txt must be placed in the same folder as the map file
  • you can have multiple rule.txt files. If you have a map in another folder, create a rule.txt in this folder as well
  • the rule.txt: to refer to rules in previous folders, use "..\" to jump to previous folder and then type the rest of the path. you can repeat this process to go further but I recommend to keep your folder structure simple and not too nested
  • automapping works per layer, so the name of the layer matters. Check the rules(.tsx files) to check the layer target

Hello! They do. But If you mean initial setup specific for Gamemaker then you'd have to do it yourself

I don't work with predefined palettes. Sorry mate

Hello! I'm considering it for sure ^^

Thank you! I'm glad you like my art ^^ and The Village pack might have a snow version, who knows  ;)

Thank you ^^

Thank you buddy ^^

Hey mate! Thank you for your kind words ^^

No problem ^^ Link:

Thanks ^^

Hey! Ancient ruins has a demo version ^^

Thank you buddy! ^^

That's weird, certainly doesn't look right in my opinion but each country has its own thing I guess =/

Hello buddy!

I no longer have any Unity vouchers. They only allow 12 per year. I'm sorry mate =/

Hello! Thanks.
All characters are provided in sideways direction only. However, I'll make these other directions in the character's pack in the future.

The chest animations is under props/animated props/..

Gracias por tu apoyo. Planeo hacerlos después de que estos activos estén terminados. Después de eso, concéntrate completamente en los personajes por un tiempo.