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They are together because I don't see why It's necessary to make them separated. The z-ordering would work the same. Once you pass the wall you don't touch the porch anymore. I'll add it too in a few hours.

It's definitely possible that z-ordering would fix my issue - I'm fairly new to gamedev and am not very familiar with working with sprite layers. I'd still really appreciate the separate porch sprite regardless. Thank you again for your responses!

(1 edit) (+1)

It's in the files. If you want my advice, you should get used to both because you'll always need to use both. Tiles for the heavy lifting (where you'd need to repeat graphics countless times), and sprites (when you don't need to repeat too often and need more flexibility). GL!


Much appreciated! I’ll also take your advice and do some research on z-ordering and tiles vs. sprites. Thanks for everything!