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Simple style and definetly cool gameplay, I was supprised playing this kind of game in a jam! Really cool! I would have gone with some "pieces of meat" instead of Lb and Pounds (It might seem weird, but calculating it with google kinda pushes you out of the game perception).  Once you get the core mechanic of the game it turns quite simple, maybe adding some kind of variable like @andidebob said would help. Anwyay, this is a great approach to the gamejam theme :) Nice job sir!


Glad you enjoyed it.  I actually had a feature built that had banned items with the ability to deny passage over the bridge to mix up the game play once the player got used to the mechanics. Unfortunately with the time constraints I didn't have time to make a tutorial for that new mechanic so I chose to scrap it. If you check game after the voting is done I plan to upload a new build with a few new levels and the banned item feature. I thinking it adds a great challenge to the established mechanics