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This was a cool and eerie piece with an unexpected twist. I liked finding not just the messages but the other backgrounds; overall a very interesting vibe. By the way, it seemed like I couldn't click on examinable objects in previous areas once the second "looking" mechanic was introduced, was that intentional?


Thanks for playing! 

Yeah, I deactivated the ability to click on objects from the moment you get the talisman, mainly because some of the text is light, and would have clashed with the weird atmosphere. I would have had to make an alternative text for all the clickable objects, but I didn't have much time left to finish the game, so I made this somewhat radical and frustrating choice, once the shuffle comp jam is finished I'll probably make some changes to improve it all, and make the ending less abrupt.


Ohh, I see! I didn't find it too frustrating, as I'd examined most objects before this happened--just wanted to make sure I hadn't encountered a bug. (: