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Interesting! Very visually pleasing.

I found I was able to kill the monsters from quite a distance. Like, I'd stand there clicking and they'd just 'take it' and die without even attempting to kill me. 

Also the story snippets are just enough to spark some curiosity.

Thank you, also I am surprised someone managed to get through the monsters. I made your rolling invulnerability too great, but it is not very intuitive, so I am glad someone found another way.

No problem!

I don't think I would have been able to kill them if it wasn't for the weird hitbox, and being able to strike them while being outside their range . I don't know if you'd want to fix that or somehow make that a feature (like, if you get the right distance for that effect some sort of visual effect happens to make it look like the player is hitting the monster rather than awkwardly swinging the air).


That would be cool to do, once I can post a better version of the game.