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That’s a great question! I just checked my other games on for blind accessibility, and unfortunately none of the video games seem to work with a screen reader (I’m testing with NVDA). I do have some tabletop RPG supplements (mainly for Dungeon World) that should work fine, since they’re just PDFs. Let me know if you have any other questions! 🙂


what about the game which requires a deck of 52 cards?


If you have a blind-accessible way to deal out a 52 card deck and recognize face-up cards on a table, then yes, Cat and Mouse is blind-accessible! The only accessibility tweak I’d make to the rules is to make it so the Mouse has to announce when/if they switch or move traps. Although maybe there’s some way to avoid this tweak that I’m not seeing right now. If you know of or figure out some way to play it blind-accessibly, comment on the Cat and Mouse project page to let me know! 😄 Thanks!