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Hey eldjötnar

Do you advise me to get the early access update 7.4

Or I should just wait until it's completely done?

Hey Beasty,

The latest version of the game has some really cool new content, but it depends on how fast you consume the content too.

I personally like playing every patch but I know people like waiting a few patches and binge playing.

I haven't finished the game I'm just frugal  with the game  so I can play as long as I want with my tempo I'm a slow player of the game

I haven't even finished Naomi  chapter yet 

That's completely fair!

The latest update requires you to have progressed the main story a bit so it might be best waiting.

Uhmmmm I'm downloading it right now I just made a patreon account

Does that mess up the game chronological  order 

I hope not

Nope! Content only comes to you when you've progressed to the actual point of it, so if you grab the latest version, you'll still need to progress to unlock that content.

Thank you for your time 

I know I ask allot of Questions I love the game so much, you have no idea

Sorry if it gets annoying

You never have to apologize for asking questions, glad to help out wherever I can o/

We very much appreciate the support and kind words as always.

unless a new update breaks all your saves and you have to start over again ;) quite common on itch


Hey Ghryst,

Thankfully saves with AHITR, even going back to v0.3 (which was late 2019) are still compatible with latest builds/versions of the game.

Outside of our control (data loss, device upgrades etc) you can resume your progress if you stopped playing at any time these last few years, if you still have your save(s).