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Well we are aiming for feeling like a wildlife photographer opposed to mimicking the idea of staying still for 3 weeks to get one shot.

The cave is mostly for bats, the upside down thing is for their sleeping poses.

Figured the cave was for the bat's, just the idea of walking into a cave and seeing a bunch of mannequins hanging from the ceiling was both funny and fucking terrifying to me, also raises questions when your on an island surrounded by adorable fluffballs: where did the mannequins come from, why are they hanging from the ceiling, was it the first research team or the monster girls who placed them there, why are the denizens of the island so adorable.

Luckily you won't see em in game lol.

Oh good, all those monster girls were distracting me with their fluffiness and cuteness and being all adorable,  now I can focus on taking pictures of the island with peace of mind, and only needing to worry about those mannequins sacrificing me to their plastic gods.