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Doom Slayer

A member registered Oct 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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But can I still sacrif-*ahem-  generously offer them to the girls as a plaything so as to Ingratiate myself to them and join their clearly fluffier civilisation?

Reject man, embrace monster/animal girls.

I will destroy them with superior skill. And probably give them to the mons as a peace offering.

Soon I will become the islands best photographer! And since none of the mons are taking pictures and there is no multiplayer to worry about I will be uncontested!! (at least until a mon with a camera gets put into the game who is better at photography than me out of spite.)

Excellent, and Stacy from HR said I was lame for taking pictures of trees.

My superiority over fictional work colleagues that don't exist further stokes the flames of my self confidence with every waking day.

So I can use my hobby of taking landscape shots the last couple years as training for good scoring photos now?

Suck it Craig and you said my hobby was boring.

Oh good, all those monster girls were distracting me with their fluffiness and cuteness and being all adorable,  now I can focus on taking pictures of the island with peace of mind, and only needing to worry about those mannequins sacrificing me to their plastic gods.

Figured the cave was for the bat's, just the idea of walking into a cave and seeing a bunch of mannequins hanging from the ceiling was both funny and fucking terrifying to me, also raises questions when your on an island surrounded by adorable fluffballs: where did the mannequins come from, why are they hanging from the ceiling, was it the first research team or the monster girls who placed them there, why are the denizens of the island so adorable.

the bat girl's profile pic looks adorably happy.

Looking exciting, the cave with hanging mannequins however is looking terrifying.

the photo system makes some sense to me, just because one part of a photo looks good doesn't mean it's a good photo. I may find a good spot to get a good photo (IRL) but if it comes out blurry it's not good to me, animals in particular are a bitch to get a good, clean shot of before they move or run away.

That may get me arrested, oh you mean in game! Well I'll think about it when the landscape isn't so breath taking, it's hard to take good photos when I can't breath.

On a slightly unrelated note, will jumping ever be implemented in the game?

So instead of spraying and praying, taking the shot is now the aim of the camera, I approve as a hobbyist photographer, (though I shoot landscape and scenery rather than people).

Good gameplay is always welcome to me, porn is everywhere, good games are decently abundant but good porn games are a dime a dozen.

Thank you.

Fun game by the way, It's very interesting.

Is there a guide somewhere that is not on discord? Nothing against discord itself but it never worked for me the instant I made an account, so cant really use it.