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I've really enjoyed this game.  The depth of play is just terrific.  It's a bit slow to start, but once you've figured a few things out you realize how much opportunity there is for strategy and customization.

I realize and appreciate that this is a work in progress.  I think it would be neat to see a bit more information available about combat in progress, perhaps after purchasing an upgrade in town.  You can sit and watch to learn what abilities are common in the different areas, but a log of some sort or stats on the current monster would help inform how to outfit your heroes.  Also, it took me a while to realize that the hero stats you can see only pertain to the hero you're *about* to send out, not any of the heroes currently questing.  Perhaps the stats panel specifically on the Battle tab should pertain to the hero in combat for the selected area (like how the right-hand panel does).


Just wanted to follow up to say thanks for all the quality-of-life improvements, including addressing the ideas I mentioned above.

The interface is starting to feel really nice, like I was a militia's quartermaster or the mayor of some besieged village.  I'd say the only thing missing is a bit of flavor text expressing a greater sense of objective and urgency—what really are we trying to accomplish in the woods, mountains, swamps, and ruins?  Is there some specific lost artifact?  Some Big Bad we aim to slay?  Even if the goal is just to build an empire of scrap, seeing it put to opulent use might be fun, a la the various Dwarf Fortress megastructures: palaces, giant statues, even gateways to the Underworld if you're into that sort of thing.

You're totally right.

Endgame/story goals are something that have been on my mind a lot.

I have some superficial plans like achievements to hunt, a bestiary complete, a catalog of items to collect, speedruns or endurance runs .  Also some more concrete ideas like adding a progressive boss rush, and boss battles to the end of each zone, as well as more advanced aspects of the town to work towards and use resources on.

Dwarf Fortress is hugely influential to me, I'd love to be able to cultivate something like that level of flavor and endless storytelling.