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Yeah, I RULE! I'"ve completed everything", with Lilian that is. I might do Naillil's route soon or later if I remember to keep my savegame, it seems to have a different flavour and I like the alternative pieces of writing.

The party at the end of the last level B-side was a indeed a pretty cool twist on what looked like an anticlimatic lazy B-Side considering the other ones have consistently been very good twists on the main level.

For a game made "without a vision" it was alright I guess, just kidding the game's pretty great.

The visuals are detailed and the soundtrack is ambitious. The characters are cool.

The game is consistently pleasant to control whatever the limitations or twists on control, I like the logical placement of the eyes (and the hint about the part of a level you missed one) so you can look for them without breaking the pacing, the B-Sides are pretty good and overall the levels do feel distinct.

Congratulations and thanks for sharing, I've always been and will always be amazed by freewares which are better (including more ambitious) than most commercial games and will spread the word about the game whenever an opportunity cames along.

Thank you for your kind words!  And yeah, I learned while making this that doing alternate versions of bosses isn't as easy as it seems, especially final bosses, hence why I had to throw in a little something extra there. :)