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Game not loading. FF, Linux Mint.

still waiting on run dependencies: index.js:14050:18

dependency: wasm-instantiate index.js:14050:18

(end of list) index.js:14050:18


Sorry about that. We’re using Godot 4 and there’s a known issue with slow loading on FF/macOS. Not sure about Linux. Hate to ask, but can you try Chrome or a Chrome-based browser?


Unfortunately, no.

Probably related:

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, it looks like it is related. The Godot team is usually pretty good at fixing bugs like this. And to be fair, Godot 3 is the LTS (long-term support) version and I’m pretty sure it has none of these issues. We just wanted to play with Godot 4, the “latest and greatest”.

We added a Linux build for you to download. See if it works for you and let us know, please.


Sorry, I prefer not to use downloadable versions if there is web ones.


‘To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion’