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Fantastic ideas that really expanded my world-view (I was reminded of Horsegirl Goes to Heaven, which is an easy pick for a cowboy-type game... or so you would think as the game definitely falls outside the "entertainment" category imo), however I'm not sure where exactly you were going with the game distinctions. If you were burying the lead with the politician games, is Please, review my game a politician game according to you? Or something else entirely? Why/why not?

I also really liked you walking me through your adjustments of the final grade. It really made me feel involved in your process. One thing I liked less is when you said "I know you're all thinking", which made me feel like you wrote this review for a large audience rather than just me, which made me feel jealous and sad. Even if it was intended for several people, I think using the plural here took this from the feeling of an intimate discussion between friends towards a public lecture, which made me feel very much alienated.

13/20 although if I was rating based on originality alone this would get a 20.

I mentioned in my review that reviewing the game is kind of outside the scope of the review due to semantics. Everything that follows that is largely nonsense, up to my final thoughts. 

Ah... Unfortunately the grading rubric in this project does not reward nonsense (well actually I suppose in some way it does reward it in the emotional and wit section but only indirectly). Perhaps in a future installment? Thank you for your clarification.