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- no sound but there's sound options in-game? or it's not working on the linux build for me

- shotgun easy to miss, i think i only noticed it on my third trip to the store

-  loads of areas are so dark i couldn't see where i was going, particularly around RL tunnel

- got lost for a long time with the grey + blue keycards and only seeing lots of red doors

- could totally be my bad, i cleared downstairs and the first couple floors but forgot the upstairs before i started looking all over the level for a missed door but I picked up the blue keycard first so that was the first colour of door i was looking for

Those are all thoughts I took down while playing ^ overall though pretty fun and you've nailed the feeling of a legit boomer shooter so far.

No sound at all? I use miniaudio.h for output which explicitly supports everything except pipewire, which should have an ALSA fallback anyway. I don't actually have any handling for if the audio fails to start though, maybe I should add some. What distro are you using? And if you try running in the terminal does it say anything about the audio in the output?

Heh, I don't know what's with the shotgun, even when I playtest I used to run past it a lot before the new lighting. I think it doesn't contrast enough with the garbage can.

In the case of the RL tunnel that's intentional, it's supposed to be a secret. There's a lot of dark parts in areas you don't have to go to, but my monitor isn't very fancy so darks come up very bright for me making it hard to tell.

I'm not really bothered by people getting a bit lost, I'd rather have people have that feeling of "ooooh, that's where it is" instead of whipping out the yellow paint, so as long as you found it without quitting I'll call that a win.

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it!

Manjaro KDE with pipewire and pipewire-pulse, it does look like there's some relevant output.

On the gameplay note yeah I didn't get lost for so long I was bothered/annoyed and hate the yellow paint trend.

Launching Game
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started


Odd, I'm running Manjaro too but the i3 community version using pulse and alsa. I have another computer I that has Manjaro KDE with pipewire, but that's playing the sound as normal as well. The version of miniaudio.h I'm using is from years ago at this point so I might just need to update it. It's definitely _trying_ to fall back to ALSA but I'll have to add more debug logging.

Thanks for checking it out, I'll see if I can do something about it.


I’ve updated to the current miniaudio.h which should actually support pipewire so come next demo day you should get sound back. Apparently there’s a bunch of bugs in pipewire that prevent it from being the drop-in pulseaudio replacement it claims to be. I’ll still add some extra console output in case it still doesn’t work.