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(maybe) new tech just dropped, at least for me.

Using D-tilt or D-special during a shield ignores the shield release animation, meaning combo starters like Pepper's D-tilt can be used almost immediately without problem. As a Pepper main, I am very happy about this.

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Yes, it's by design down tilts and special are out of shield moves. Also Pepper is the only char who can start a combo on an opponent on her back while she's in shield (down-spe into foward-tilt.)

Also, a jump can cancel the end of the shield vanishing animation, but unlike down attacks, it does not skip the entire animation.

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VGSage gets an out-of-shield kill option with D-tilt that KOs at about 20% from the ledge so thats kinda strong

But Pepper can use Down Special at the ledge out of shield and then Side Tilt for a (probably) true combo that kills at almost any%