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Please provide a single-page layout version of the PDF, the current spreads-as-one-page thing makes it impossible to print.



Linux command-line steps to make a single-page version:

pdftoppm -png Maleghast_666_Update1.pdf Maleghast

convert Maleghast*.png -crop 2x1@ 'out-%02d.png'

rm out-00.png out-01.png

cp Maleghast-01.png out-01.png

img2pdf out-*.png -o Maleghast_666_single.pdf


thanks for this. i’m on macos so i’m sure i could just cut each pdf page separately. he really just needs to release it in pages!

this worked brilliantly, thank you :)

this is great, thank you! Also, you can use ocrmypdf to add back in fulltext search.

ocrmypdf Maleghast_666_single.pdf Maleghast_666_single_ocr.pdf