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Holy smokes, that's so much for just one year. I completely relate to taking on way too much in a project that balloons in scope and I think your decision to focus on other/smaller things first is a really smart one.

This is gonna be my first year in a long time I've skipped on the Global Game Jam, because I already have enough to do on my own big projects that a game jam on top of it seems like extra stress I don't need. Game jams can be really wonderful, but they are also really exhausting and it's best only to do them if you're excited about them and not already at capacity with other projects.

Take your time in the new year, I always love your work but it's best if it's made by someone who has got some very needed rest and recharge time!


That's too true! It doesn't feel good to push back a project you're invested in, but I've learned so much more from making smaller, self-contained stuff than I did hacking away at one Very Big thing. ^^;

Thanks a bunch, and have a happy new year too!