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The game idea is really simple and you have actually made a pretty fun game out of this idea. The games tutorial could have been better, and the main issue with it is that you have to do the things in the right order or else you will risk never to see everything in it. Both the music and graphics is overall pretty good. The story is also pretty simple and fun. It is a bit difficult to see when you need to drink, and when I get the information that I needed to drink it was often nearly too late.

Overall a really good first jam game. Well done.


Hi JK5000,

Thanks a lot for the feedback. It's great to have an opinion on this entry and will keep in mind your advices for the next jam (if I do participate).

You are right for the need to drink display. At first I made the screen much blurrier when the player gets too thirsty but I was afraid it was too much so I tuned it down and added a pop-up warning when you get to like 8 seconds before dying of thirst.

The explanations and UI could be a lot better and next time I will think of the UI earlier instead of adding it in the end without really thinking through how it would really fit.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game :D