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Cool game cowboys; interesting mechanic and funny humour. Some things that could be improved would be:

  • It's hard to aim the bullet with the magnet. So the best tactic is to run around with the bullet chasing behind you.
  • The UI blocks quite a large part of the world.
  • An indicator showing were the bullet is, when it is off screen.
  • A larger play area, it's currently quite small.

Thank you for playing the game and for the feedback.

Apart from your first observation, I agree and we will implement all the others, but as for the first one the difficulty is a part of the challenge: the bullet fires away from the player when you release the mouse.

That said, when people play the game, I notice that they don't use the "refire" system, so it may be TOO difficult or complex, so I should enhance it or change it, but I don't know what I could do.

Anyway, the changes won't be made soon, because this year I am studying to sit the exams to enter university. I will make them though. Again thanks for zplaying!!!