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Very polished and impressive game! Aesthetics is very unified and functional as well. A nice twist on the minesweeper formula. Congratulations to the creators, cool game!

One problem I have with minesweeper is that the first moves are always random and you can die. With the charm mechanic and having one charm from the start, you have some room to test some squares and feel luckier finding a charm rather than looser finding a snake and straight up failing. Very nice.

But there is something weird coming from minesweeper, the tiles with snakes can also contain numbers, so sometimes the strategies and 'formulas' you use in the original game make you miss if you don't intentionally stop your 'autopilot'. In some ocasions, I just thought the numbers were incorrect

In the tutorial: 'charm snakes to win' wasn't clear. I didn't know how to charm them, and having played minesweeper i didn't want to touch a snake at all. But the lower message and the feedback of charm and snakes counter made the objective clear after some trial and error

One detail i see is that when i have enough charms, i can just click tiles randomly and still succeed, so in some levels you end up playing just half of them

Thanks for the detailed feedback!