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Bonjour à un collègue francophone ;)

Reminds me of battlestorm on the amiga, and the overhead stages of thunderforce 2 on megadrive.

Good luck on pushing this further! Very interesting choice of technology, it would be worth a video Howto?


Bonjour, glad to see another Frenchman. I’ve never played on the amiga or megadrive, but I like the look of an old games console.

I’m going to make a devlog with more information on how it works together c++/raylib/emscripten .

It’s not very intuitive and it requires some adaptation from classic c++.

This gameplay is a part of big game i want to do.


I work on cmake alternative for raylib project, config free. You can export c/c++ project on web with it. Linux build is publish, window build is WIP.


cool ^^ will install !!  why not include a simple test/template project to make sure everything is correctly setup?